Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Infrastructure and Gargantuan

Infrastructure: 1887, from French infrastructure (1875); (n.). The installations that form the basis for any operation or system. Originally in a military sense.

Gargantuan: "enormous," 1590s, from Gargantua, name of the voracious giant in Rabelais' novels, supposedly from Spanish/Portuguese garganta "gullet, throat," which is from the same imitative root as gargle (v.)

How would you use the words "infrastructure" and "gargantuan" to describe the network of roads?

Examples using infrastructure

1. Many schools have art programs which lack proper infrastructure to carry on functioning.
2. The infrastructure of any well-to-do society is capitalism.
3. Hawaii has permanent infrastructure so as to avoid another Pearl Harbor.

Write some sentences using the word infrastructure

Examples of gargantuan

1. NBA players
2. Russia
3. The population of China

Name some other examples of gargantuan things

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